Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
Before you purchase new real estate for your business, be sure to contact the team at EHC for an environmental site assessment. These assessments are completed to research the current and previous use of a property. As part of the assessment, our team members will visit the site to observe the current state of the property. Then, we will conduct in-depth interviews with knowledgeable site contacts, private sector sources, and relevant government agencies to understand how the property was previously used. We’ll also review standard environmental record sources from local, state, and federal agencies to create a clear summary of the recognized environmental conditions near your potential space. Once our assessment is complete, we’ll share our findings and recommendations to help you fully understand the state of your property.
- Completed to ASTM 1527-21 standard satisfying all appropriate inquiries.
- On-site reconnaissance for a standard Phase I ESA with in-depth interviews of knowledgeable site contacts.
- Interviews with appropriate government and private-sector sources of information.
- Review of standard environmental record sources from local, state, and federal agencies within ASTM approximate minimum search distances.
- Clear summary of Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs).
- Vapor Encroachment Condition (VEC) screening is available upon request in accordance with ASTM Standard 2600-22.
Turn-key Solutions for a Variety of Scenarios
If the client is not looking to qualify for CERCLA liability protection and for low risks properties or transactions, many lenders are relying on limited products such as Environmental Transaction Screens (ASTM 1528-14E01), Historical products reviews or Environmental Database reviews. As such not all circumstances require a full Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and EHC is able to provide turn-key solutions in a wide variety of scenarios.
After a Phase1 ESA identifies a recognized environmental condition or the potential for soil contamination, it is recommended that clients evaluate the potential contamination by performing Phase II environmental testing.
Phase II Enviromental Testing
EHC provides Phase II ESAs to test soil, soil gas, and/or groundwater for possible contamination. The purpose of a Phase II Environmental Report is to determine the presence, or absence of, petroleum products or hazardous waste in the subsurface of the site. Our Phase II Environmental projects can be done according to the ASTM E1903-11 or to meet a client’s specific needs.
If the Phase II ESA shows concerns that need to be rectified, EHC offers assistance to move you beyond your environmental contamination issues with a variety of “Phase III” environmental remediation options. This might include digging out contaminated soil and hauling it away, creating engineered barriers, biological remediation, or positive pressure venting of gasses. EHC’s professional team of geologists, hydrogeologists, and scientists will help plan and implement cost-effective solutions.