Understand the Environmental Risks

A complete understanding of the environmental risks associated with a parcel of land is often based on collection and laboratory analysis of soil and groundwater samples. EHC’s environmental professionals can design site-specific work scopes for the collection of soil and groundwater samples from parcels.

Site Investigation Procedures

Site investigation procedures are used to identify and confirm property impacts as well as to define the degree and extent of impacts. Investigation activities are designed based on an understanding of the areas of environmental concern and various regulatory guidance documents and regulations.

Investigation Techniques

Investigation techniques used by EHC to investigate and identify contaminant source areas include:

  • Soil and groundwater sampling via soil borings using direct-push and hollow-stem auger technology
  • Installation of permanent groundwater monitoring wells via conventional drilling techniques
  • Professional soil vapor surveys
  • EPA-approved drinking water sampling techniques

Potential impacts to indoor air quality that may result from subsurface impacts are evaluated through soil vapor and indoor air quality sampling. The distribution of contaminants on a site is understood through an evaluation of sampling data, mapping of groundwater flow, and an understanding of contaminant degradation and migration pathways.

Drinking water sampling is critical in determining if a water system is functioning properly. An analysis of the water from the faucet can provide critical data needed to ensure the health and safety of the individuals in a household or a facility.